Saturday, November 17, 2007

Standardized Assessment Woes: A Must Read

I really enjoyed reading Rick Stiggin's commentary on the "Five Assessment Myths and Their Consequences." These myths parallel ideas and concerns we've all come across in various classes. Our "PAT's," for instance, can pose a huge concern for teachers. Since we're all going to be beginning teachers in the very near future, I thought the following topic might be of interest to you. Perhaps some of you have heard about Kathryn Sihota. She's the teacher in BC who refused to administer a standardized reading comprehension test to her grade 3 students. She insisted that the process was too stressful on her students and that the Sooke District School Board could collect such information in other ways. After going through a disciplinary hearing, Sihota's perfect 27 year teaching career was tarnished by a letter of reprimand being placed in her employment file. I found a website that summarizes her story and allows people to make comments about this issue. I was really surprised by the split in public opinion. Also, on the same site, there's a link that allows you to view the test in question and form your own opinion on the issue of standardized testing. It's quite an eye-opener. I hope you all enjoy this read as much as I did. The website is:

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