Monday, October 29, 2007

Digital Literacy Environments

As a beginning teacher, I often think about all that I'm going to be up against in the realm of the classroom. Since taking this course, I've been thinking more and more about how I'm actually going to teach writing. Sometimes, it seems like a daunting task. I'm no Regie Routman. She's been doing this for many years, is experienced, and has lots of little tricks in her writing bag. I wonder, does it ever happen that after a teacher has applied the optimal learning model, provided a print-rich environment, and given lots of opportunities for writing that a student still might not be enthused about the idea of writing? If that did happen, what would you do?
A few weeks ago, in another class, I was introduced to a nifty little program called "Comic Book Creator." You probably all know about this program and what it does. But, up to this point in time, I had never heard of this useful little tool. As I worked with this program, which is fun and really easy to use, I thought about how a program such as this could be used as a good supplemental tool for students who really don't care much about reading or writing. As an extra little perk, this program would also be a great benefit for students who are visual learners.
More and more, I'm warming up to the idea of digital learning environments. Since technology is here to stay, I'd say that that's a good thing. Using this blog format and working on fanfiction is an interesting way for a person like me, who is not as digitally savvy as many of my peers, to enter the world of digital literacy. I'm really looking forward to a class field trip next month where I'll be using the "Comic Book Creator" program in writing activities with grade one students. This should prove to be a valuable learning experience toward any future digital literacy projects I might consider implementing in my own classroom.


Carla said...

I have never heard about 'Comic Book Creator', is there a website with more information? If it is anything like fan fiction what another handy tool that uses technology.


ps- I agree that it might be a little hard to put some things into practice the first year of teaching because I as well am not a Regie Routman!!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of "Comic Book Creator" either!? Is there a place with more info?

Anonymous said...

Well written article.