Saturday, October 20, 2007

Time is ...

Time is...
Too slow for those who wait,
Too swift for those who fear,
Too long for those who grieve,
Too short for those who rejoice,
But for those who love...
Time is eternity.

I have no idea who "penned" this little quote. It was one of my mother's favourites and she used to add, " Time flys; it waits for no-one." After reading Katia's latest blog this morning, which is a timely piece on the constraints of time in our lives, I immediately remembered this quote and decided to share it with all of you. Good-luck to everyone who is immersed in studying for next week's mid-terms; and, remember to "make" a little time just for you!!


Carla said...

What a beautiful quote!

edel408-2007 said...

Thanks, Roxanne! I need this reminder, too. If it's any comfort to any of you students, I also feel completely behind in my work and wondering how to catch up. Teaching is the best part, because it has a rhythm and demand that can't be denied. The other stuff falls behind. Oh well. That's life. And taking a little time for oneself is absolutely essential--we don't think creatively when we just plod through a "to do" list all the time. (That's my excuse, anyway, for going to see a really good film on Friday-- "Across the Universe" ...Jill